

What is web 2.0 HTML?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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In truth, there's almost no difference between the HTML used in web 2.0 applications, and the HTML used in all other HTML applications. The difference is mainly in the way that the user interacts with the page, and this is provided mainly by the tighter coupling of JavaScript and backend programming like PHP, as well as the ability to transfer data between both using asynchronous calls (AJAX.)

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How do you create web by HTML tages?

Web can be created by creating a .html file. Inside the HTML file, you can put the tags of HTML.

How are HTML documents and webpages related?

HTML is a language that is used to create web pages. A HTML document is a web page in effect. It is the browser that opens a HTML document and displays it as a web page.

What is the need for HTML?

The need for HTML begin with the web. Development of web made the need of HTML more important.

Why HTML important to web browsers?

HTML is important to web browsers as it forms the web pages. The web pages are the ones which run on the browsers.

Is HTML popular?

Most of the web is coded in HTML.

What is web HTML?

It is a HTML file you're opening on a web browser instead of Adobe Reader.

Where do web browers access HTML from?

Web browser access HTML by going out onto the internet and requesting the HTML page from a web server. The server responds to the browser by allowing the browser to copy the HTML document to the client machine.

What is the code HTML for?

HTML is the code that tells a web browser how to display a web page on your computer screen.

Why is HTML required?

HTML is required to create web pages.

How do you view your HTML coding in a website?

A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.A html file can be opened by any browser direct from your computer. For it to be actually on the web it needs to be uploaded to a web server.

What is the pair of outermost container tags in a web document?

The outer-most container tags in a web document are the opening and closing HTML tags. For instance: <html> [Web stuff here </html>

What is the significance of HTML in web designing?

HTML is a formatting language that tells a browser how to display content. You can not create a Webpage without HTML. Many web designers will create the HTML in the background for you.