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A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word to note here is that a preposition is a link and therefore can not come at the end of a sentance

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Q: What is wrong with ending a sentence with a proposition?
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Who is going to put those clothes away Is this sentence grammatically correct?

Yes. There is nothing wrong with it. "Away" is not a preposition in this case, but a separable part of a verb. In verbs such as put away or set up or pave over, the direct object often goes between the verb stem and the "proposition." Thus we say I put them away, You set him up, They paved it over. Furthermore, the prohibition against ending a sentence with a preposition is part of Latin grammar. It does not apply to English, and it is nothing more than a learnèd error to claim that it does. Normally, you should not end a sentence with a preposition ("away" is a preposition, just like "to," "of," "for," "from," "by," "with," "at," etc.). So the sentence should be "Who is going to put away these clothes?"

Does a question mark go after a sentence ending if any?

A question mark is placed at the end of a sentence if the sentence is a question.

When ending the sentence with L.L.C. do I also add a period at the end of the sentence?

No, the last period in L.L.C. acts as the period that ends the sentence

We were wondering is it the correct way to say that sentence?

There is nothing grammatically wrong with the sentence "We were wondering."

Write five sentences with a preposition at the end of the sentence?

To end a sentence with a preposition it must have object somewhere in the sentence. You should avoid using a proposition at the end of a sentence unless the sentence wouldn't make sense without it.The sentence, "Which store did you get that shirt at?", would be grammatically correct, and would still end with a preposition; "which" is the object of the preposition. "Which store did you get that shirt?" isn't quite a complete thought without the preposition "at". The standard for placing the preposition somewhere other than the end of the sentence is whether the sentence sounds awkward or contrived by placing the preposition somewhere within the sentece. But in the case of this example, placing the "at" at the beginning the sentence, "At which store did you get that shirt?" will work without sounding any more awkward than ending the sentence with the preposition.Examples:I don't know what I stepped in.You don't know what you're in for.What are you afraid of?You can see what that has led to.That's all she could talk about.Try the link below if you still need help ending a sentence with a preposition.

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What is affirmative sentence?

An affirmative sentence is a sentence which affirms a proposition.

What is a sentence for the word proposition?

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How do you write a sentence using the word proposition?

I don"t know what a proposition is.

What is an affirmative sentence?

An affirmative sentence is a sentence which affirms a proposition.

What is a sentence with the word proposition?

I'll make you a proposition: if you'll buy a dictionary, I'll give you the answer.

Is this a sentence - That way he or she could feel the excitement of drumming like I am able to?

yes,it is a question, however you might avoid ending it with a proposition. Try,that way he or she can feel the excitement of drumming as I do.

What the difference between sentence and proposition?

the difference between a sentence and a proposition is a sentence is a thought like for ex. " I like cotten candy." that's a sentence. a proposition can mean 2 different things it can eather be some one asking someone else to marry them or it can be a suggestion for ex. " i propose that we re-think this law about slavery."

How can you make a sentence using the word proposition?

A couple of months ago law makers made propositions OR I voted no on proposition 8

How would you use big proposition in a sentence?

Please consider his big proposition carefully before making any career changes.

What proposition does romeo present to Juliet?

That true love is doesn't always have a happy ending.

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