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the parts of an atom stay together because the the protons and electrons have opposite charges protons are positive and electrons are negative so the attract each other and hold the atom together. The electrons don't end up in the nucleus because the neutrons neutral charge reflects the electrons to not get too close.

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9y ago
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16y ago

A good question. Answer: Binding or the atomic strong force--the strongest of the four fundamental forces. It acts on quarks and leptons that make up Protons and Neutrons to hold the atomic nucleus together. The energies necessary to "make" nuclei is present only in the core of stars. See:

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12y ago

Simple answer - They stay together because protons and electrons have opposite charges. Electrons have a negative charge and protons have a positive charge. Opposite charges attract so the electrons are held near the protons in the nucleus.

Middle answer - "Strong force" (a technical term not just the size of the force) holds the neutrons and electrons together in the nucleus and the electrons fly around the nucleus in stable orbits due to their opposite charges and some complex quantum mechanics.

Difficult answer - No one knows for sure. Quantum mechanics makes a number of predictions that seem to explain observed behavior in subatomic physics but many physicists (including famously Albert Einstien) believe it is an imperfect model.

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11y ago

The nucleus stays together because of the strong force and the weak force. The electron cloud is held to the nucleus because of the electromagnetic force.

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13y ago




or alpha particles

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The attractive forces of the nucleus holds the atom together

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Q: Why do parts of a atom stay together?
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What causes the particles of an atom to stay together?


Why does an atom stay together?

opposites attract. the particles are attracted to the positively charged particles.

What causes the particles to the atom to stay together?

Particles in an atom have opposite electrical charges, which cause the particles to attract each other, kind of like how positive and negative magnets stick together.

What causes of the particles of the atom stay together?

Particles in an atom have opposite electrical charges, which cause the particles to attract each other, kind of like how positive and negative magnets stick together.

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covalent bonds are when one atom shares the same valence electrons with another atom other.Covalent bonds are how atoms stay together

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The parts of an atom which produce magnetism are the electrons.

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During nuclear fission the atomic nucleus is splitted.

Why are neutrons in the nucleus of an atom if they have no charge?

well they aren't going to orbit if they have no charge. They hold the protons together. Protons, with the same charge, wouldn't stay together without neutrons.

What two parts of the atom are in the atom?

Protons and neutron

Every atom is made up of how many parts?

Every atom consists of sub-atomic particles called which neutrons, protons and electrons. Electrons revolve around the nucleus and protons and neutrons stay inside the nucleus.

What parts of the atom takes most of its space?

the nucleus of an atom

Which is one of the forces that holds an atom together?

Nuclear force is responsible to hold an atom together.