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The eagle kills but is not able to fly away with it. It is to heavy so he kills it then leaves.

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Q: What kills and eats flamingos?
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Flamingos ducks

What eats flamingos?

They eat grass and other little small things.

Are flamingos herbavores?

No because it eats shrimp (which makes their feathers pink!)

Where do flamingos get their water from?

Caribbean flamingos eats seeds, crustaceans, and green-blue algae. It drinks fresh water.

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YES, it eats bacteria from the small intestine of flamingos

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Hunts it, kills it, eats it

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What is an organism that kills and eats all or part of another organism called?

An organism that kills and eats all or part of another organism is called a carnivore.

What kind of bird gets its colour from what it eats?

Flamingos are colored pink by the carotenoid proteins they eat.