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If someone has difficulty breathing after a bee sting, they should seek professional medical help and not try and self medicate. They could go into anaphylactic shock which is potentially fatal.

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Contact vet ASAP. May be necessary to treat with an anti-histamine and/or adrenaline shot if it's a severe allergic reaction.

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How can you use anaphylactic shock in a sentence?

Example sentences using "anaphylatic shock" include these: After receiving an allergy shot, the woman developed difficulty breathing and went into anaphylatic shock. A single bee sting can cause anaphylatic shock in susceptible persons. Repeated exposure to a medication, such as an antibiotic, can cause an allergic reaction and even anaphylatic shock.

Can you be allergic to a wasp sting?

Yes. To most people a wasp sting is just a painful annoyance, but a small number of people are hypersensitive to the venom and have a stronger reaction, ranging from just feeling unwell, or dizzy, or difficulty breathing, right up to full-blown anaphylactic shock.

Do hornets leave their stingers in you?

No. The hornet's sting is smooth so it has no difficulty withdrawing it.

What type of symptoms can a casualty display after being a stung by a marine animal?

Swelling and pain at the sting site Muscular cramping Nausea or vomiting Difficulty breathing Other symptoms of shock: fast pulse, clammy skin, dizziness, unconsciousness

How do you treat for a hornet sting?

You shouldn't need to take out a hornet sting. The hornet's sting is smooth and firmly attached to its body so it has no difficulty removing it as it flies away. If a sting has been left behind it was probably that of a honey bee.

Do wingless wasp sting?

If you are stung by a wingless wasp, first remove the sting by gently scraping it out. Avoid squeezing the stinger since it will inject more poison. Immediately apply ice to the sting area. If a leg or arm was involved, elevate it. If any breathing difficulty, dizziness or hives occur, call 911.

What are symptoms of an allergic reaction to bees?

There are many symptoms to watch for when one is stung by a bee. Some of the more serious reactions include extreme swelling at the focal point of the sting that increases in the next day or two, nausea, diarrhea, difficulty breathing and swelling of the throat and tongue.

Are black wasps deadly?

Bumble bee stings themselves are not poisonous. Many people have an allergic reaction and need medical help immediately. An allergic reaction includes swelling of the throat and tongue, vomiting, difficulty breathing, fainting, and anaphylactic shock. If no allergic reaction occurs, remove the stinger, ice and elevate the area of the sting, take over-the-counter pain relievers, and apply calamine lotion for the itch.

What type of systems can a casualty display after recievingm an insect bite or sting?

A normal response would be (in the case of honeybees) localized swelling and itchiness. If the subject is allergic to bee stings, they may suffer difficulty in breathing, swelling of the throat and collapse, leading to death if treatment is not given in the form of an adrenaline injection.

What is hydroxyzine used for?

I was prescribe this medication after a moderate reaction from a bee sting to my face. It also is used to treat anxiety.

When is a bee sting life threatening?

When the person is allergic to bee stings, then the throat could swell causing breathing problems.

You were stung by a African bee and you need help?

A sting from an African bee is no different from a sting from any other type of bee. The reputation of the so-called 'killer bees', better known as Africanized honey bees, has been sensationalized by the media because they are more defensive -- that is, they sting more readily -- and the victim tends to get stung by more than one bee. If a person is hypersensitive to bee venom it doesn't matter which species of bee stings, the result will be the same. If a person feels ill or dizzy after being stung or has difficulty breathing you should seek medical help.