

What kind of music is listened to in Germany?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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All kinds of music.

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Q: What kind of music is listened to in Germany?
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the kind the listened to you big dummy's.

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What music does Germany have?

rap and pop is know listened in german, but when they imigrated they brought polka with

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they listened to pop, rap and alternative music

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they listened to green day dude!!! everyone listened to music escpescally green day!! :)

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What kind of music did people listen to in the 60's?

people in the 60's listened to Marvin Gaye and other also music was very hippy

Why is Shakiras music not allowed to be listened to in the UK?

Shakira's music can be listened to in the UK. Further, in the UK there is no law that can be used to ban any music.