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Humans raising cattle for food is what kind of relationship? In environment book

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Predator-prey relationship, mostly.

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Q: Humans raising cattle for food is what kind of relationship?
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What are two ways in which humans have been able to increase your food supply?

Humans increase our food supply growing crops, and raising cattle

From where do get food?

From growing vegetables and fruits. From raising cattle, chickens, turkeys, and pigs.

How do humans get their food?

Humans get their food by farming and raising animals and crops. They also get their food by hunting and by fishing.

Who made the western cattle industry profitable?

Ranchers made the western cattle industry profitable. They did this by selling and raising cattle for food and agricultural purposes.

What is a guar?

A guar is an annual legume used as food for cattle and humans.

Why do you need cows?

Cattle are one of the main food sources for humans, without cattle there would be no beef or milk.

Why are world cattle numbers increasing?

One reason would be the growth of humans, leading to the growth of cattle for food

What is the meaning of murder of cows?

It's an animal rights activists term to anthropomorphize the slaughter of cattle for meat, making people believe that cattle are equivalent to humans and that slaughtering cattle is equivalent to murdering humans, which is not true at all. Cattle are not humans, not should be treated as such. Cattle, like all prey animals are born to be food for animals higher up on the food chain, such as humans, wolves, lions, and other carnivorous/omnivorous animals.

What does poultry production swine raising and cattle raising have in common?

All these types of productions are typically done on farms. They are commonly raised to produce food, eggs, milk, and meat.

Why is cattle ranching big business in Brazil?

Cattle ranching is big business in Brazil because beef is a very popular food. Brazil and Argentina have large pasture areas that are very good for raising beef cattle.

How may raising livestock be worsening the greenhouse effect?

Raising livestock, especially cattle, may be worsening the greenhouse effect because of the amount of methane that cattle belch out. Methane is a greenhouse that is 20 times stronger than carbon dioxide. Scientists are looking for ways to change cattle food that will reduce the amount of methane produced.

Is raising beef cattle an industry?

The beef industry provides people with food.