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The law of Conservation of energy, Newton's First law. This law requires the objects acceleration be zero, thus constant velocity.

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Q: What law states that every object maintains constant velocity unless acted on by and unbalanced force?
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How does an unbalanced force affect a moving object at a constant velocity?

If the group of forces on an object is unbalanced, then the object can't have constant velocity. Its speed or the direction of its motion must change.

What is an object that moves with constant position?

An object that moves with constant position will have constant velocity or acceleration. This is said to be moving in positive direction and maintains the position.

Does unbalanced forces maintain motion at constant velocity?

No. If the forces on an object are unbalanced, that means their sum is not zero, and there is a net force on the object. Since there is a net force on it, the object is accelerated, which is another way of saying that its velocity changes.

What is force that maintains motion?

An object at a constant velocity (or motion) has a overall force of 0.

What are objects remain at constant velocity unless an unless an unbalanced force acts?

An object in motion.

What happens to the velocity of an object when balanced force act on it?

The velocity is constant and there is no net or unbalanced force.

A feather with no net force on it maintains constant?

In physics, net force refers to the overall force acting on an object. A feather with no net force on it maintains constant velocity.

What law of motion says that an object that maintains constant velocity unless acted on by another force?


What will happen to an object moving at constant velocity?

Such an object is traveling at a constant speed in a straight line. Nothing will happen to it until the forces acting on it become unbalanced, or it runs into something.

What is the difference between constant velocity and variable velocity?

Constant velocity has speed always constant along the direction with respect to time. Variable velocity changes its speed with respect to time. Constant velocity has zero acceleration. Variable velocity has non-zero acceleration . An object moving at a constant velocity maintains both the same speed and direction. An object moving at a variable velocity can be changing speed or direction of travel or both.

What law that states that every object maintain constant velocity unless acted on by an unbalanced force?

Newton's 1st law'

Is an object in motion if the acceleration is zero?

Acceleration just means that something is getting faster at a constant pace. If the object was at rest it would have a constant velocity. If the object was then acted upon by and unbalanced force, the velocity would change and no longer be constant. However if an object is just moving along (balanced force of air resistance, gravity, and friction) then it would be at a constant velocity, also. In motion or at rest and object can have zero acceration.