

What laws did Millard Fillmore try to pass?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Fillmore supported the Compromise of 1850 which was Henry Clay's attempt to resolve the crisis over slavery and prevent a civil war.

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Q: What laws did Millard Fillmore try to pass?
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What happened to the US when Millard Fillmore was president in 1849-1850?

Actually, Millard Fillmore's predecessor, Zachary Taylor, was U.S. President from 1849 to 1850. As Vice President, Millard Fillmore took over when Zachary Taylor died in 1850, and he completed the term to which President Taylor was elected, which ended in 1853. When I think of Millard Fillmore, I think of how the Compromise of 1850 backfired. The north thought it gave too much to the south, and the south thought it gave too much too the north. It was supposed to placate both sides, but instead it had the exact opposite effect. California, which became a U.S. state in 1850, was the last state to be admitted that was not previously an organized U.S. territory or part of an existing U.S. state. The main reason that the usual territorial period was bypassed in the case of California was the gold rush that started there in 1849. It's because it started in 1849 that the huge number of people who migrated to California at that time to try to get some of that gold for themselves were called 49ers.

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the periods dont mean anything

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They vote on them the propistions are laws that we may pass or deny that is why it is our civic duty to vote if not the peoples voice is lost. If a law stands take prop 8 in California for example they can try to get it over turned by appealing to the supreme court.