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Q: What legal form of organization's income is not taxed under individual income tax rate?
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Are fixed income annuities taxed?

Yes, the income you receive will be taxed as ordinary income.

Do you get taxed on money saved?

Not taxed again on the after income tax money that you have saved but you are taxed on the earnings from the after income tax saved money.

What is the nature of sole proprietor?

The sole proprietorship is the oldest, simplest, and most common form of business entity. It is a business owned by a single individual. For tax and legal liability purpose, the owner and the business are one and the same. The proprietorship is not taxed as separate entity. Note that the earnings of the business are taxed at the individual level, whether or not they are actually in cash. There is no vehicle for sheltering income. For liability purposes, the individual and the business are also one and the same. Thus, legal claimants can pursue the personal property of the proprietor and not simply the assets used in the business.

Are you responsible for joint tax if you don't have any income?

Normally (you don't say which country you are asking the question about) people are taxed as individual not as 'joint'. If you as an individual have not had any income during the tax year in question then you would not be liable for tax.

How much of a business's income is taxed?

The amount that a business's income is taxed depends on which of the eight tax brackets they are in which are based on overall profit. They can be taxed from 15% to 35%.

What happens to the percentage of an income that is taxed when income rises and the tax is a proportional one?

The percentage of an income that is taxed will stay the same when income rises until that income reaches a certain point set by the government. A higher tax bracket may mean a higher portion of the income will be taxed.

What is the earning threshold for a child to pay taxes?

The child's income is essentially considered the income of the it is taxed at their rate, and presumably they have enough income to be taxed.

Is a military pension taxed?

Yes, it is income and all income is taxed.

Does the IRS take taxes from your pension or 403B?

A 403B plan is a tax deferred retirement program that allows certain employees of schools and some non-profit organizations to defer taxes on income earned working for these organizations. It is almost the same thing as a 401K program. These plans allow income to be sheltered from income taxes until you withdraw this income from the plan. Pensions and 403B plans are not taxed until you receive the income.

Who must file an individual income tax return?

If you are earning money from either a job, wages of some kind, or the government, you must file a individual income tax return. There are factors though that say if you do not make a certain amount that it is not needed to be taxed.

How are cash dividends taxed?

Dividends, cash or otherwise, are taxed as ordinary income.

What are you being taxed on?

YOU are being taxed on all of your gross worldwide income from all sources that you have reported on your income tax return for the year.