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Republic under an authoritarian regime. President approved by popular referendum for a second seven-year term (no term limits); referendum last held on 27 May 2007 (next to be held in May 2014); the president appoints the vice presidents, prime minister, and deputy prime ministerselection results: Bashar al-ASAD approved as president; percent of vote - Bashar al-ASAD 97.6%, other 2.4%

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Q: What makes Syria a non-democratic country?
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Syria is a country, so Syria's country of origin is SyriaANS 2 - It's not that simple. - The country we know as Syria was formerly a part of the Ottoman dominated Arab Levant and was given to France as a Protectorate after WW1. They gained independence as modern Syria in 1946..

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They are not an elected Government. They do not allow vocal descent Fair trials are not an option. They a communist Government, not a democratic one.

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Well, everyone thinks their country is the best, and my country is syria so I guess yeah it is :)