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It's because of th backbone?!

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Q: What makes a mollusk more complex than the simple invertebrates?
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What makes a mollusk more complex than simple invertebrates?

It's because their not water breathers.

Why isn't a bicycle a simple machine?

Because it consists of several simple machines, which makes it a complex machine.

What makes a mollusk an mollusk?

Mollusk is an invertebrate animal. Some mollusks are covered with shell and some has tentacles. Mollusk are soft-bodied invertebrate animal. Examples are octopus, snail , oyster and clam. -Co0leTs24

Are complex designs better than simple designs?

Simplicity is more complex, it makes the design look clean, and professional.

All of the following are simple machines except a bicycle?

A bicycle consist of several simple machines, which makes it a complex machine.

Is a bicycle simple or compound machine?

A compound machineA bicycle consists of several simple machines, which makes it a complex machine.

Is a octopus a mammal or a reptile or a amphibian?

Its a mollusc. Birds are birds. Fish are fish. that's its category. You're on the internet. Google it.

What is specialized tissue makes a mollusk's shell?

mantle <3 {()}

Do all arthpods are invertebrates?

All arthopods do not have backbones which makes all arthopods invertebrates!

Does Fish Make You Stronger?

No food makes you stronger. Foods with high complex calories and protein, combined with exercise makes you stronger. Most fish have little to no protein, and a medium amount of complex calories. Try spaghetti with meat sauce, pork chop, or granola bars for high protein and complex calories. P.S. There are simple calories, and there are complex calories. Things like pop tarts have simple calories, while spaghetti or pork chops have complex calories. Simple calories last shorter and leave a big "crash" after it wears off. Complex calories last very long and give you a very minuscule drop in energy.

Why are bats considered invertebrates?

Bats have backbones which makes it a vertebrate!

Is a giant squid a mollusk?

The giant squid IS a mollusk. Because octopuses (or octopus) are mollusks, that makes the squid a mollusk because they are exactly alike except they swim different. Plus it has a calcareous shell which means more pieces like one, two, or three pieces.