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I know I'm going to think of you (it should be - penser à toi)

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Q: What means Je sais que je vais penser toi?
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What means Je sais que je vais penser à toi.. something like a feeling?

I know that I'm going to think of you

What does je sais mais je pense que je vais etre tard mean when translated into English?

"Je vais être tard" isn't correct in French. I think you would say "Je vais être en retard". In this case, it means : "I know but I think I will be late"

What is the French pronunciation of 'Que sais-je'?

"Kuh sehzh" is a way of pronouncing the French "Que sais-je?"Specifically, the interrogative "que" means "what." The verb "sais" means "(I) am knowing, do know, know." The subject pronoun "je" means "I."

Que sais-tu dire en français?

"que sais-tu dire en français ?" means "what can you say in French?"

What does est-ce que tu sais ce que ca veut-dire mean in English?

It means "do you know what this means?"

How do you say 'what do i know' in french?

"Que sais-je?" means "What do I know?" in French.

Je vais t 'appeler dès que j'aurai une pose?

"Je vais t 'appeler dès que j'aurai une pose" means " I'll call you as soon as I get a break "

What does je crois que je vais faire la même chose mean in English?

je crois que je vais faire la même chose means 'I think I will do the same' in English.

What does Je sais Mais je pense que je vais etre tardmean?

"je sais mais je pense que je vais être en retard" means "I know, but I think I will be late" in English. Note: use "en retard" for "behind schedule"; use "tard" to express lateness. Examples: le train est en retard (the train is running late); le diner s'est fini tard : the dinner finished late (but there was no set hour to finish it, so it wasn't "en retard")

What is 'think' in French?

to think = penser I think that... = je pense que...

In French how do you say What do i know?

qu'est-ce que je sais ? /or/ que sais-je (a bit literary)

What is Je sais ce ne you faire rien?

je sais (que) ça ne vous fait rien means I know that you don't mind