

What medications is hormones the improve uterin contractions?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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βˆ™ 10y ago

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Oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for uterine contractions. This is important during labor, and sometimes the doctor will prescribe an artificial version to give to the expectant mother to start the labor process.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Oxytocin is the hormone that is responsible for uterine contractions. This is important during labor, and sometimes the doctor will prescribe an artificial version to give to the expectant mother to start the labor process.

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Some data suggests that approximately 1 in 2000 tubal ligations may spontaneously reverse. More precisely described, sometimes the cut and closed (cauterized and or sutured) fallopian tube tissue ends aren't closed enough to stop the familiar path of a teeny, tiny, tenacious ovum or egg that follows a chemical trail to the uterin area during ovulation. If fertilization is facilitated in this unusual but possible scenario then (tubal ligation or not) pregnancy is certainly a potential outcome. Matthew David Black existencebeyondperception@msn.comIf the tubes were "banded" and not cut/burnt, the bands can loosen, opening the fallopian tube. This is pretty rare, and the likelihood of this happening depends on the material used.You can't.

What changes in your body can i expect when going through puberty?

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Do you get your period that month your egg gets fertilized?

Not usually but I read somewhere that it is still possible to have one more period right after pregnancy but only within a certain window(a matter of days). I don't really see how that's biologically possible as the period is the process of emptying the uterus which would be the oposite of what you want to get pregnant so if that is possible it would be extremely uncommon. The way the cycle works(loosely in lamens terms) is that your ovaries release and egg which then goes to the uterus and waits to be ferilized, if its not fertilized it is flushed out of the uterus along with a thin layer of the lining(thus the blood). Kind of like cleaning up after a party so that it'll be ready to go for the next one. If its cleaning house it would clean out the necessary components of the fertilization process but protection is always unless you want it because anything is possible. The more likely possibility if you are pregnant is implantation. about 6-11 days after fertilization the embryo attaches to the uterin lining which can in some cases cause some bleeding though it is usually lighter than a period and just comes a goes instead of being a constant period. consulting your doctor is necessary though to determine for sure whether or not you had an early miscarriage(very common early in the first trimester), implantation, or just a period and a close call.

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Some data suggests that approximately 1 in 2000 tubal ligations may spontaneously reverse. More precisely described, sometimes the cut and closed (cauterized and or sutured) fallopian tube tissue ends aren't closed enough to stop the familiar path of a teeny, tiny, tenacious ovum or egg that follows a chemical trail to the uterin area during ovulation. If fertilization is facilitated in this unusual but possible scenario then (tubal ligation or not) pregnancy is certainly a potential outcome. Matthew David Black existencebeyondperception@msn.comIf the tubes were "banded" and not cut/burnt, the bands can loosen, opening the fallopian tube. This is pretty rare, and the likelihood of this happening depends on the material used.You can't.

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I have never heard of that being a sign of pregnancy, but if you think you are pregnant, take a test. Periods, even for people who are normally regular, can change for a lot of reasons.AnswerI had a small amount of bleeding, very small, about 4-5 days before my period was expected to start and I am definitely pregnant. I did research online and found out that you can have spotting about a week before your period casused from the fertilized egg making its way into the uterus, which can cause a small amount of bleeding usually dark in color. Answeri have had bleeding a week before my period a bit less than my average period and i have not been using protection i don't know if im pregnant as the blood is quite dark. AnswerI have had implantation bleeding, then normal bleeding. When my partner ejaculates in me numerous of times. Could it be that I am pregnant or A normal period. AnswerMy 'period' came a week early. It went for 3 days and was like its usual self. I thought I may've been pregnant, but after this, didnt think so. Now Im not so sure. Dont want to go waste $10 on a test if Im not and don't want the embarrassment of going to the doctor. On the first day, it was dark brown, which I never have. Then it stopped for a whole day, then came back that night, red. TMI sorry! What do you think?amandalee18@yahoo.comAnswerMy husband and I are trying for a baby and i really thought i was pregnant (had breast tenderness and was very emotional), then i had my period 9 days early which is very unusual for me cos I'm so regular. Thought it might be a sign of pregnancy so did a test and it was negative. Not really sure what to tbink about it?!? AnswerI would say to anyone unsure of whether they are pregnant or not either do a home test or if that is still inconclusive then don't be affraid to seek medical attention just to put your mind at rest either way.I think i would rather feel " silly" at the gp's than have an unwanted pregnancy or problems with a pregnancy early on because of failing to seek help