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Q: What moldboard made of cast iron had a central ridge ending in a sharp point that cut the soil and wings that pushed the soil off It was said to have begun the agriculture revolution when it came to?
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Continue Learning about Archaeology

How did the discovery of agriculture change human history?

It allowed the production of enough food to permit the creation of the first towns and cities, ending most nomadic hunter gatherer cultures of the time.

What is the significance of The Stone Age?

The Stone Age is significant because it marks the earliest period of human history, starting around 2.5 million years ago and ending around 4,000 BCE with the advent of metal tools. During this time, humans developed new technologies, such as the use of tools made from stone, the control of fire, and the development of language and art. The Stone Age laid the foundation for human civilization and the subsequent development of agriculture, writing, and more advanced technologies.

What is a passage grave?

A passage grave is a narrow passage lined with large stones, ending at a burial chamber covered in stones or earth.

What is the possessive of archaeologists?

The possessive form of the plural noun archaeologists is archaeologists'.To form the possessive of a plural noun that ends with s, add an apostrophe after the ending s.Example: Archaeologists' salaries are not very high.

What was NOT a goal of the European exploration?

One significant goal of European exploration was to find new trade routes to Asia to establish lucrative trade networks. However, the goal was not to spread religious tolerance or promote cultural diversity. European powers sought to expand their territories, accumulate wealth, and gain strategic advantages through exploration.

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What type of moldboard is made of cast iron that has a central ridge ending in a sharp point that cut the soil and wings that pushed the soil off It was said to have begun the agricultural revoluntion?


What was the Green Revolution and what impact did it have on developing countries Discuss the impact of the Green Revolution on the environment?

The Green Revolution was a series of studies and realizations beginning in 1940 and ending at around 1980 followed by technological improvements thus increasing the scope and ability to better grow and monitor agriculture. Unfortunately, it was not a global phenomenon and many countries are still in need.

What is an indeterminate ending?

a cliffhanger ending where the ending is not totally determined.

What places ending in fair in the UK?

Mayfair - in central London.

Napoleon Bonaparte during the French Revolution?

He had very little input into the Revolution but was active in ending Royalist counter revolutions.

What is Part of a mountain range ending in ssif?

Central Massif, part of the Himalays.

What century did the Scientific Revolution take place?

1700-1804 ending with the death of Immanuel Kant

How did socialist suggest the inequalities caused by the industrial revolution?

ending private ownership of factories, mines, and mills

The American revolution ended when the british surrenered here?


What is the displacement of the earth when it completes one revolution around the sun?

Displacement is the straight-line distance between the starting and ending points. The displacement in the course of one complete revolution is zero.

How many revolutions took place in ending the Romanov dynasty?

The two most important where the revolution in 1907 after the Russian Japanese war and the revolution of 1917 which finally brought down the dynasty

How did socialists suggested solving the inequalities caused by the industrial revolution?

ending private ownership of factories, mines, and mills