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Q: What must change when a body accelerates?
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A moving body must undergo a change in?

A moving body must undergo a change of position.

What occurs forces acting upon a body are not balanced?

The body accelerates.

When does an object's velocity change?

When it either accelerates or decelerates

True or false if an objects accelerates a push or pull must be acting on it?

If an object accelerates, there must be a force acting on it according to newton's second law, so I would answer true.

True or false if an object accelerates a push or pull must be acting on it?

If an object accelerates, there must be a force acting on it according to newton's second law, so I would answer true.

What does coffee do for body and brain?

it accelerates our blood circulatioon and awakens us

When a object accelerates in the same direction as its motion it has?

change in velocity

When an object accelerate what can it do?

When an object accelerates it can change its speed or direction of motion. When it accelerates without changing its direction of motion, it can cover any distance in less time.

What is the effect of force on bodies at rest?

The force accelerates the body, a=F/m.

What are the effects of force in motion?

A force acting on a body accelerates it in the direction of the force.

What is required to keep a body in circular path?

A centripetal force - that is, a force that accelerates the body towards the center of the circle.

What accelerates chemical reactions that occur in the human body?

Catalysts that are called "enzymes".