

What name is given to the seven colors of the rainbow?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Roy G Biv red orange yellow green blue indigo violet

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Q: What name is given to the seven colors of the rainbow?
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Why does the rainbow have seven colors?

The rainbow has ALL of the colors in it. Little kids in the First Grade learn seven colors, and many people never learn any more than that. But any color that the human eye can detect is in the rainbow, whether not it even has a name.

Name five of the seven colors in the rainbow?

red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, indigo

Your name in rainbow colors?

there is only 3 rainbow colors pink baby yellow and baby blue

What is rainbow colours calle?

Every color that a human eye has ever perceived and given a name is in the rainbow. (With the exception of 'black', which is a name for the absence of any color, and 'white', which is the superposed presence of all colors.)

What is the name of the rainbow colors produced from a white light?

The name of the rainbow colours produced from a white light is called the spectrum.

Does the rainbow have a name?

The rainbow has a name, but it's the scientific name. Rainbow also goes by Moonbow. But, rainbow is called rainbow because the colors in the rainbow. ROYGBIV when you see a rainbow its called a spectrum. ROY G. BIV is the name... for RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET...

How many colors in the rain bow?

There are 7 colors in the rainbow. In an actual rainbow there are seven different colors, but in real life, there are tons more. You can remember them by saying this boys' name: ROY G BIV. The name stands for the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. I don't know how many colors in total that there are.

What color can you see in the rainbow?

Well, different people see it differently. For example, some people say there are six colors in a rainbow and some people say there are seven colors in a rainbow. The people who say there are seven colors in a rainbow mean (in order from lowest to highest) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The people who say there are only six colors in a rainbow mean (again, in order from lowest to highest) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. One trick to remember the seven (if you believe it's seven) colors of a rainbow is ROY G. BIV. The R stands for red. The O stands for orange. The Y stands for yellow. The G stands for green. The B stands for blue. The I stands for indigo and the V stands for violet. You see, the name (or word) ROY G. BIV is a easy thing to remember because it is so unique. So know you know what colors you can see in a rainbow are when you look up into the sky after it rained and then turned sunny (that is how a rainbow forms [when it first is raining and then it stops and turns sunny]). So next time it rains then becomes sunny, go outside and see for yourself how beautiful the colors of a rainbow really are.

What is another name for a rainbow colors?

It can also be called a spectrum of colour!

How did colors get their names?

In the early 1800's, an English man by the name of Sir Roseart Crayola looked at a rainbow and started to think. He noticed that little kids that wanted to show their parents a specific color would just point and say that one. In order to help the little Brits he decided to name the colors. He decided the first letter of every color by using the name of his best friend, Roy G. Biv: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. He picked this name because there are seven colors in the rainbow and there are seven lettters in his friends name.RedOrangeYellowGreenBlueIndigoVioletThat is how colors were born

How the iris get the name?

Iris means rainbow in Greek. The name was given to the goddess of the rainbow, the flower, and the colored part of the eye.

What are the 6 colours of the rainbow?

The colors of the rainbow are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. If you remember the name Roy G Biv it will help you remember the 7 colors.