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Q: What nation controlled Corsica after the Congress of Vienna?
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The Mediterranean island of Corsica is a part of what European nation?

Corsica is part of France.

What did the nation's of Europe want to restore at the congress of Vienna?

They wanted to restore the balance of power in Europe and put the Monarchy back on the French Throne.

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Vienna is Austria’s capital.

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What did Italy gain or lose during congress of Vienna?

At the time of Congress of Vienna Italy didn't exist as a nation. Austrian Prime Minister Metternich said that Italy was only "a Geographical Expression". After the fall of Napoleonic Empire the Congress of Vienna cancelled all the half-independent states created by Napoleon in Italy, which had at least a semblance of liberal rules of government, and restored the old absolute regimes. Worse still, the Congress didn't restore the Republic of Venice, whose territories became part of Austrian Empire, giving to that nation the predominance in Italy and upon the north Adriatic coastal range. So, we can say that the Congress of Vienna represented for Italy a regress of some 20 years and an indubitable loss of what little was achieved during the Napoleonic Era.

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the govnerment or president controlled the nation's rail traffic. the police man controlled the nation'srail traffic.

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Lands that are controlled by another nation are called territories.

Congress makes the laws for the nation?

Congress makes laws for the nation

What problems did the congress of Vienna face?

They did what they felt was right and proper to insure a balance of power in Europe. The big error in judgment may have been the creation of a strong Germanic Nation which would come to haunt them in the future.

Has Suriname ever been controlled by a European nation?

Yes ! Suriname has been controlled by the European nation of England.

What were the similarities between the Congress of Vienna and the Treaty of Versailles?

Both the Treaty of Versailles and the Congress of Vienna had simillar goals in mind, the recreation/resoration of a European peace. Both took place after major wars, (The Congress took place after the Napoleonic Wars, and Versailles after WWI) and in both cases the nation held responsible changed its politics in order to be seen as a member of the "club" (France put the Bourbons back on the Throne, and Germany became a Republic). The differences are much more prevelant both in the agreements and the results. First of all at Vienna, France was allowed to participate. This ensured a gentler settlement for France, Germany was excluded from the "Big (Decision Making) Four" during Versallies. Versallies established a much harsher settlement for Germany forcing them to pay crippling reparations and to limit their military. France had to accept much more lienient measures at Vienna, mainly because at Vienna it was more about putting Europe back together then punishing a guilty nation. Vienna established peace up until the Crimean war. Versallies lead to the Great Depression, and provided fooder for the rise of Mousillini and Hitler