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California is the 31st US State.

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compromise of 1850

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In 1850.

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Q: What year did California join the US?
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When did California join the US of America?

august 7,2011

What number California was state to join the US?

California was admitted into the Union on September 9, 1850 becoming the 31st state to join the Union.

What was the fourth state to join the us?

California was the fourth state

What year was CA admitted to US?

California was added to the United States on September 9, 1850. This made the state the 39th in the US.

Was California the 38th state to join the union?

No it was the 31st US State.

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In 1890.

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In 1787.

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What year did California get its statehood?

California was admitted to the Union on September 9, 1850 becoming the 31st state to join the Union.

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It became a US State in 1959.