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Q: What occupation did the first kings most likely have before they became kings?
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What was Napoleon's occupation?

His first job was as an artillery officer.

What was Jesus occupation before he became a christian?

First of all Christianity is not an occupation, also Jesus was a Jew until the moment of his crucifixion.(the "last supper" is actually Jesus and his friends sitting down to a sedar meal(a Jewish tradition)) anyways Jesus occupation before becoming a prophet was carpentry( he worked with wood)

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He became the first Archbishop of Santa Fe in 1875.

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He became the first Archbishop of Santa Fe in 1875.

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Einstein worked first at the Patton Office, then he became a professor, and finally he simply became a world-famous traveler.

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He was the junior U.S. senator from the State of Illinois. In 2008, he became the first senator elected to the presidency since John F. Kennedy in 1960.

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No, he was not the King of England before he became our first President.

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It was most likely during the Roman occupation, from 43-410 AD.

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After graduating from Yale Law School, Clinton became a professor at the University of Arkansas.

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Christopher Columbus's occupation before he went on his first voyage was as a business agent for two important families in Genoa.

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He was a soldier in the First World War, and a failed artist and architecture before that.