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Ribosome, nissle's granules

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Q: What organelles would be most common in neuron cells?
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How does organelles' size compare to the size of a cell?

Organelle's are in cells, therefore organelles would be smaller than cells... I think

Where would old cells organelles be broken down?

The vacuole

What Organelles Would Be Most Common In Muscle Cells.?

Mitochondria would be the most common, because muscles are very active. They need the "powerhouses" so they can work with lots of energy and not get tired out. Hope this helped!! :D

What part do cells have?

All cells MUST have a nucleus.

What organelles would you expect to find in animal cells but not plant cells?

Chloroplasts, and a cell wall.

Why would a lack of neurotransmitters change the function of the brain?

signals travel from neuron to neuron through neurotranmitters

What cells are prokaryotes?

Prokaryotic Cells are cells that have to have organelles that are not surrounded by a membrane and do have ribosomes. Their DNA is in the shape of a circle. They have no nucleus, the DNA is bunched up in the cytoplasm. The type of cells that are prokaryotic are bacteria and only bacteria cells.

What two organelles would you expect to see if the cells were from a animal?


What do nerves contain?

Nerves are like trees. The have branches call axons.

What organelles would you find expect to find in plant cells but not animal cells?

Chloroplasts, and a cell wall.

What cells have membrane-enclosed organelles?

They are eukaryotic cells.

What organelles would be found in higher frequency in stomach cells then in red blood cells?

lysosomes as they contain digestive enzymes