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Q: What organism would grow on the bottom of the ocean near shore?
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What is the opposite of the ocean bottom?

The opposite of bottom would be the top, so the oceans surface is the opposite of the ocean floor/bottom.

What is the body of water bordering the us on its western shore?

That would be the Pacific Ocean.

What is the body of water bordering the us on it western shore?

That would be the Pacific Ocean.

Which organism would not be found in a deep ocean ecosystem?

A cat.

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What ocean is east coast of Illinoi?

Well I believe it would be the Atlantic, because if you go all the way until the shore the first ocean you would hit would be the Atlantic

Would you find petroleum at the bottom of the ocean?

yes you wold

Would a rock crack from water pressure at the bottom of the ocean?


What is an anerobic organism?

An organism that doesn't require oxygen to survive. Examples of anaerobic bacteria would be E. Coli, which produces the botulism toxin when in an anaerobic environment, tetanus, which is the bacteria responsible for producing the toxin that causes lockjaw, as well as many bacterias and complex organism that live on the bottom of the ocean where oxygen is almost non-existent.

What would be useful in locating a sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean?


What is the bottom of the ocean like?

The bottom of the ocean is colder. The sun heats the top of the ocean first and then heats lower. In a nutshell, the top of the ocean is warmer and the deeper you go the colder.