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Q: What organisms live in the same area as the spotted hyena?
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Where does the spotted hyena live?

The spotted hyena lives in the eastern savanna of africa.

What does a striped Hyena look like?

The striped hyena is very different from the spotted hyena. for 1: they have stripes and spotted hyenas have spots. another thing is that they live longer than a spotted hyena. i hope you enjoy this tootles

What is the gestation period for a spotted hyena?

The gestation period for a Spotted Hyena is 110 days.

What do hyenas live in?

Hyenas will live in natural caves or a burrow dug into the hillside.

What continent to hyena's live in?

Spotted hyenas, brown hyenas, and aardwolves all live only in Africa. Striped hyenas live in Africa and Southwest Asia. In prehistoric times, spotted hyenas lived throughout Eurasia in addition to Africa.

What country does an Hyena live in?

There are three or four varieties. The spotted, brown, striped hyenas, and their cousin the aardwolf. They are found in various locations in Africa and Asia.

Do tigers eat hyena?

Maybe the could if they wanted to

What area do organisms live and interact?

there is not an specifc area where organisms live because they are all over the place

What animals live in a leopards habitat?

Depends on the geographic area. In Africa, lion, spotted hyena, African wild dog and cheetah. In Asia (especially in India), tiger, dhole, stripped hyena and wolf. In the Middle East, lion and tiger are extinct, but they do compete with striped hyena and wolf (add Asiatic cheetah in Iran). Far East Russia, Amur tiger. China, wolf.

The area where the organisms live?

Organisms live everywhere

What are facts about the hyena?

Hyena is Africa's largest carnivorous animal. They are scientifically named as Crocuta Crocuta (spotted hyena). They are usually 28 to 35 inches tall and weigh around 90 to 190 pounds. They can live up to 25 years. They are mostly found in grasslands, savannas, woodlands and sub-deserts and forests.

Consist of all the organisms of one speciies that live in an area?

Consisting of all organisms of one species that live in an area is called a community.