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I found it! page 381 in the 50th anniversary edition! Thank you.

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Q: What page number does the love of money speech start on in Atlas Shrugged?
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In Atlas Shrugged the heroes want to make money while the villains want on the surface at least to have money What is the difference between these two views of money?

Nice try.

Did America coin the phrase to make money as claimed in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand?

No, the phrase "to make money" was not coined by America. It has been in use long before the publication of Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. The book may have popularized the phrase due to its themes of capitalism and self-interest.

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Cloud Atlas grossed $126,018,564 worldwide.

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In Buckley v. Valeo, the Supreme Court said that _____ when it ruled that campaign spending is an expression of free speech.?

"Money is speech"

Is saving money an informative speech?


What speech would a speaker most likely use persuasion?

A speech at a party to raise money for political campaign

1 min speech on money?

Doing a speech on money in one minute is easy. Just make sure you take about where it came from and how long it has been around.

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Why did the supreme court rule that money is speech?

They didn't.

Can you have detailed info on the speech topic time is money?
