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According to FBI statistics a whopping %86 are American. The remaining come from Great Britian and other European countries.

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Q: What percentage of serial killers are in different states in the world?
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Highest per cap of serial killers in world?

United States is the highest with 76% of the serial killers in the world.

How many seirial killers are in custody in the united states?

There are a total of about 100 serial killers in custody, in the United States.

Are there serial killers in Virginia?

The FBI has current serial killers investigations in the 48 states. In the related links box below, I posted 2 links on this topic.

Which two states in America produce the most serial killers?

Statistics can be manipulated to a certain degree but more serial killers come from the states of California, Washington, Texas, Florida and Georgia. With the exception of Washington state killers seem to like warmer weather.

What are the statistics of the USA and serial killers?

According to FBI statistics the United States contributes 86% of the world's serial killers. Some of the top states producing these killers are Texas, Florida, California and Georgia, not neccesarily in that order. Texas executes more death row killers than any other state.

How many serial killers have been arrested?

Not enough as the authorities want to. One of the primary reasons that active serial killers go uncaught is because a great many of them have learned to pick victims that are not easily identified. In some cases, nobody even notices that they are gone. Transients, homeless, and prostitutes often lead the type of lives that can leave them at risk with serial killers. In 1978, the FBI set up a Behavioural Science Service Unit in Quantico, Virginia. At this centre, serial killers are studied, and profiles are compiled on suspects. The FBI estimates that there are currently 1000 serial killers at large. Other estimates are much lower, around 35 - 100 serial killers currently committing crimes. In 1983, they estimated that 5000 Americans, or 15 people a day were killed by strangers. Every year, between 3500 - 5000 people in America are the victims of serial killers. In the past 20 years, 160 serial killers have been identified or captured, and 120 of them were in the United States.

Should serial killers be executed?

In the United States most serial killers are executed. In some countries like Germany and Russia, serial killers are allways exectuted. In Muslim countries, some people are beheaded for felonies less serios that serial killing.Well i don't think serial killers should be killed and I'm sure many people agree with this...As i just think they should be kept in a prison for quite a time!.... an dmake them realise that is wrong to make someone have'sex' with you if they don't want to...

What percentage of serial killers are white?

With so many serial killers not identified, there can not be statistics showing the population of the world's serial killer. 76% of the world's serial killers are in America is a statistic based ongoing studies. The United States only has about seven percent of the world's population, but has been home to over 76% of its serial killers.

What city seems to have a serial killer on the loose?

There are up to 100 serial killers on the loose at any given time. At present there is a suspected serial killer work in about three southern states.

How many white serial killers?

Black serial killers are very rare. Most black multiple murders are classified as spree killers, or business related killers I.E rival drug dealers. Serial killers have very specific psycopathies. And blacks in the USA represent between 26&30 percent of the population and less then two percent of classified serial killers. Statistically speaking black serial killers are almost non-existent. It is true that 70-80% of people convicted of crimes in the united states are black. But one has to ask the question, is that a condition of poverty and urban life or psycopathy. In other words, is it their skin color, or their circumstance that drive them to commit their crimes. I'm inclined to think the later. Remember the statistic was based on those convicted of crimes.

What US states have had a serial killer?

There are only a few states that have not produced at least one serial killer. The state with the most is California which makes sense because it is the most populous state in the country. Texas and Florida have produced many serial killers. But per capita, Washington State has produced more serial killers than any other state. Ted Bundy and Gary Leon Ridgeway were both from the Evergreen State.

Are there any serial killers in Denmark?

There have been two. Dagmar Overbye in 1921. Peter Lundgin in 1991. Compared with the United States, two killers almost a century apart doesn't sound so bad.