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There are many poisons in first hand smoke and they can cause different kinds of diseases and cancers. Some of the poisons are tar and carbon monoxide. They effect the lungs by lowering their elasticity. These toxins can also give you stained teeth and bad breath.

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lead, carbon monoxide, nicotine

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Q: What are common types of inhaled poisons?
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What is the most common inhaled poisons associated with fire?


What are some common ways poisons can enter the body?

1. By being stung or bitten by an insect 2. By being inhaled 3. By being swallowed

How is smoking harmful to people around you?

They inhale the same poisons that the smoker inhaled and exhaled.

What are the 2 types of household poisons?

One group is products that were never meant to be ingested or inhaled, the other group contains products that can be ingested in small quantities, but which are harmful if taken in large amounts.

What are common inhaled allergens?

Common inhaled allergens include pollen, dust, and insect parts from tiny house mites.

What is the treatment for inhaled poisons?

- Call 911! - If safe do do so, move the person to fresh air. - Assess ABCs - Administer oxygen if trained to do so - Try and find out what has been inhaled (MSDS, can, bottle etc) - Keep the patient calm and warm

How many types of poisons are there in the world?

2,900 species of poisonous snakes.

What effects does different poisons have on your body?

The answer to this depends on 3 things a) the type of person b) the types of poisons and quality level and c) the quantities of poisons consumed the question needs to be more specific really

What common poisons are used in modern medicine?

Snake poison

What can nuclear particles do to the atmosphere?

It poisons the air with nuclear dust that can lead up to 2 to 2000 Roetgens. Theese when inhaled cause cancer and if it is highly radiocative, It can kill a man in seconds.

What type of snakes lived in Egypt?

ther are 63 types of snakes in eypt , 9 of them are poisons

How should the containers of Part I and Part II poisons be labelled in Hong Kong?

The container should be labelled with the poison's name and the proportion of each poison if the preparation has one or more types of poisons.