

What prefix is used to denote first?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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From the Latin primus meaning 'first'; primary, primer, Primate

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Q: What prefix is used to denote first?
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Prefix 'centi' is used to denote sub multiples of meter and uses factor 0.01. Prefix 'kilo' is used to denote multiples of meter and uses factor 1000. Therefore to convert kilometers to centimeters, first kilometers are converted to meters and then meters to centimeters. 1. To convert kilometers to meters, value in kilometers has to be multiplied by factor used with prefix 'kilo': 78 kilometers = [kilometers] * 1000 = 78 * 1000 = 78000 meters 2. To convert meters to centimeters, value in meters has to be divided by factor used with prefix 'centi': 78000 meters = [meters] / 0.01 = 78000 / 0.01 = 7800000 centimeters 78 kilometers = 7800000 centimeters

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Prefix 'kilo' is used to denote multiples of gram and uses factor 1000. To convert kilograms to grams, value in kilograms has to be multiplied by factor used with prefix 'kilo': 0.025 kilogram = 0.025 * 1000 = 25 grams

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Prefix 'kilo' is used to denote multiples of gram and uses factor 1000. To convert kilograms to grams, value in kilograms has to be multiplied by factor used with prefix 'kilo': 0.12 kilogram = 0.12 * 1000 = 120 grams

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Prefix 'kilo' is used to denote multiples of gram and uses factor 1000. To convert kilograms to grams, value in kilograms has to be multiplied by factor used with prefix 'kilo': 0.04 kilogram = 0.04 * 1000 = 40 grams

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Prefix 'kilo' is used to denote multiples of gram and uses factor 1000. To convert kilograms to grams, value in kilograms has to be muliplied by conversion factor used with prefix 'kilo': 0.054 kilograms = 0.054 * 1000 = 54 grams

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How do you abreviate a million?

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