

What problems are humans causing to the soil?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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deforestation, mining and pesticides

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Q: What problems are humans causing to the soil?
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They are destructive because the ash can harm people by getting into their lungs and causing health problems and they also damage houses and it can also destroy property and crops.but it can also enrich the soil.

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Producers have problems with such things as hail, high winds causing lodging in crops, drought, flooding, disease and weeds. They will also have challenges with insects, pests (such as deer), poor soil quality/nutrition, and soil erosion.

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soil is found in the ground by humans. humans state growing crops.

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How do humans impact soil?

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Eroded soil can enter drains and waterways, causing them to build up with sediment.

Why do humans need soil?

humans need soil to grow trees to get oxygen and where would we be without oxygen and soil helps plants grow and not all plants need soil air plants do not need soil.

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water pollution and soil erosion caused by humans can also cause the food in the salt water to be contagious or poisonous.

How is water pollution related to soil and visual pollution?

water that is polluted can soak into soil causing the soil to be polluted

How do humans harm soil and cause soil pollution?

By trowing trash on the soil, riding veicals,burning trash,landfills,harvesting crops and cutting.There are many ways to humans harm soil.

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Humans are causing ozone depletion by using CFC's. These CFC's react with ozone to deplete it.