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The pile up of waste materials may become unstable, and the waste materials that accumulate must be disposed of somewhere.

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Q: What problems can coal mining cause?
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How does mining coal cause enviromental problems?

when coal is mined from earths surface,people remove the layers of soil above the coal

What are the problems associated with Coal Mining?

Coal mining can cause massive environmental destruction via unrestricted strip mining, and it can destroy nearby rivers via acid mine drainage. It can harm the health of workers and people living nearby, as well.

What are the pros and cons of coal mining?

Coal mining is dangerous and usally cause cave ins. They usally found some type of poison in coal mines like carbon-monoxide Pros We can find other energy sources other coal. Cons Coal mining cause cave ins. Coal miners usally found poisonous gases like carbon-monoxide. Pros We can find other energy sources other coal. Cons Coal mining cause cave ins. Coal miners usally found poisonous gases like carbon-monoxide. Pros We can find other energy sources other coal. Cons Coal mining cause cave ins. Coal miners usally found poisonous gases like carbon-monoxide.

What are two environmental problems with the mining and use of coal?

The use of coal creates pollution in the air and the problem with mining is it can cave and its depleting the natural resources of coal but also damaging the ecosystem underneath Hopes This helps XD

Can coal mining harm your health?

Oh yes, coal mining is very dangerous to your health. If you do not breathe well filtered air, it will cause black lung disease.

Why do geologists have problems mining when the coal is in tropical swamps?

Mining coal from tropical swamps might be a problem for geologists because they would be disrupting or damaging the environment and the ecosystems around the mine.

What is washtub pneumonia?

Washtubs. Since the term "washtub pneumonia" was used to describe respiratory ailments contracted by laundresses in coal mining camps, the cause was probably coal dust mixed with the laundry chemicals.

Why coal mining is dangerous?

The biggest danger in retreat coal mining is the miners are removing coal pillars as the miners "retreat". The removal of coal pillars, which support the mine's roof, can cause mine collapse.

Is coal a mining product?

yes! coal is a mining product.

How coal is recovered?

coal is recovered from mining

What Cause of illegal mining?

Illegal mining is acknowledged to be one of the major causes for coal fires. Considering, coal tendency to heat when placed in contact with an oxygen source, illegal mining directly contributes to this massive pollution source

Coal mining effects on environment and its prevention?

Coal mining can do alot to the enviroment. Coal mining can pollute the air, and destroy habitats like forests and wetlands. Coal mining can do alot to the enviroment. Coal mining can pollute the air, and destroy habitats like forests and wetlands.