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Q: How were factory machines powered during the industrial revolution?
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What clothes machines were there in the industrial revolution?

steam powered cotton looms

When was the era in which change from household industries to factory production using powered machinery took place?

industrial revolution

What was the dynamo's impact on the Industrial Revolution?

The Dynamo's impact on the Industrial Revolution was the belief that human kind could be powered by machines. An interesting fact is that the Dynamo inspired the Industrial Revolutions leaders to create factories with machinery for man power.

What was the dynamo's on the industrial revolution?

The Dynamo's impact on the Industrial Revolution was the belief that human kind could be powered by machines. An interesting fact is that the Dynamo inspired the Industrial Revolutions leaders to create factories with machinery for man power.

What was the historical era when water and steam-powered machines started being used on large scales?

Since this answer is nowhere i will help yall out the historical era when water and steam-powered machines started being used on a large scale is----industrial revolution

What Led to production by machines using steam and electricity?

The invention of steel led to increased production by steam powered and electrical machines. This technology advanced quickly during the American Industrial Revolution.

What society is based on harnessing of machines powered by fuels?


Where did the US industrial revolution take place?

The industrial reviloution mostly started in farm land with steam powered tractores

Who invented the water powered water mill during the Industrial Revolution?

Samuel Slater invented the water powered mill in 1790,

What Important inventions that were created in the industrial revolution?

There were so many inventions invented that the US patient office wanted to close because they felt all things had been invented. Some of these was the factory system, machines powered with steam or electricity, telegraph, railroads, cars, radio, and many other things that we still use or formed the foundation of what we use.

What role did water powered mills play in the industrial revolution?

ted Hall is the coolest person ever!

What were the innovations of the industrial revolution?

the use of coal powered machinery and mass producing by machine, not hand made.