

Best Answer

he should be must know the every prblm as per lleader nd be honesty nd he vl make more helps nd offers to poor people who'r faces prblms so he could jst find all prblms frm the all the regions in his circle then nly he knows all things..... and for students he does make more facilites like colges , excelent study features in particular undeveloped villiages nd illitracey places because today students'r tommrow buliders so he must do it.... so i hope this is for gualites of good leader..... thank q..

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Q: What qualities make a good war leader?
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In many views, no. He didn't lead America [The United States] in a good way. Did he not start the war in Afghan? When you're a good leader, you don't start a war, and then leave your possion. He was a coward and so therefore, was not a good leader.

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Because he was brave enough to take his soldiers to war, and also win the war. Then, everyone thought he was a hero!George Washington is a good leader because he never gave up..he never settled for less, he strived to do his job right, and settle for victory..Yes, George Washington was a leader in the Revolutionary War, in which he won by having confidence in his troops and inspiring them and encouraging them. George Washington was a GREAT leader and good enough to beat the British!!!!

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no idea dis website give me no info!!

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He freed the slaves and ended the Civil war , I believe. He was sadly killed days after the end of the war

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Leader of what?

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Abraham lincoln wass the civil war leader

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To Hrothgar was given such glory of war such honor of combat that all his kin obeyed him gladly till great grew his band of youthful comrades infers?

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