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It is cheese.

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Q: What rhymes with seize that means a milk product?
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What rhymes with seize and means a milk product?


What rhymes with seize that is a milk product?

Cheese, of course!

What does 1 percent milk fat mean?

It means that the amount of butterfat in that milk, or milk product is 1% of the total volume of the product. It qualifies as "low fat". As it comes from the cow - depending on the breed of cow - milk is 4% to 5% butterfat.

What is an aseptically-processed UHT milk?

Aseptic processing means that after UHT treatment the sterile milk is transported and filled into sterile containers without recontaminating the product. Aseptic product plus aseptic packaging and seal means that no contamination should occur after sealing (until the product is opened) and that the shelflife of the product is extended.

What rhymes with milk. I like milk.?

Words that rhyme with milk include silk, bilk, and ilk. It's great to hear that you like milk!

What rhymes with bilk?

The word is milk.

Is pineapple milk a dairy product?

Probably Milk is a dairy product and pineaple milk is presumably milk flavoured with pineapple.

What milk product rhymes with seizeWhat is my answer?

This question is pointless since you already have the answer and dont waste ppls time by doing this ok and the answer is cheese so yeah dont b gay

Your name rhymes with snail you give people milk what are you?

Pail. When you milk a cow you use a pail for the milk to go into.

What rhymes with silk?

bilkmilkilkmilk :)milk

Is rotten milk a dairy product?

Yes. Milk is a dairy product regardless of whether or not it has spoiled.

Is milk is agricultural product?

Milk is both. You can sell milk directly to consumers, or you can sell it to manufacturers of cheese, yogurt, and many other products that are made partially or entirely from milk.