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Sandstone, a sedimentary rock, is formed by the deposition and cementation of small particles of weathered rock and/or minerals above the surface of Earth.

Answered by Jaden

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Sedimentary rocks are thusly formed.

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Q: What type of rock is formed by deposition and cementation of sediments?
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What type of rock is formed when layers of loose materials are compacted and cemented together?

Sedimentary rock is formed from the processes of compaction and cementation of sediments.

How does a uplift to the Earth's surface make sedimentary rock?

The uplifted surface is then subjected to weathering and erosion, resulting in the deposition, compaction, and cementation of sediments which creates sedimentary rock.

Classification of stones?

Igneous (formed from molten rock), metamorphic (formed from metamorphism of preexisting rock), sedimentary (formed from cementation or compaction of sediments, mineral precipitation, or organic material).

How do sediments form?

Firstly, sediments are solid fragments of inorganic or organic material. The bulk of sediment is formed from the weathering of rock, wherein the rock is broken into smaller and smaller pieces by a variety of chemical and mechanical processes, including acidic rainfall, freeze/thaw cycles, and the actions of organisms.

What type of rock is formed by the process of erosion deposition compaction and cementation?

Sedimentary Rocks. For Example, Sandstone and Conglomerate.

Changing sediments into sedimentary rock are compaction and?


What types of rocks are formed by the compaction and cementation of sediments?

Sedimentary rock are formed by cementation and compaction. This happens when sediment particles are compressed and fused together over very long periods of time.

How does fine sediments reach the ocean floor?

It combines with the rock or material and compacts it to a growh where it cant be effected until cementation. Your welcome

What process changes sediments into rock?

The process is known as lithification, involving the compaction and cementation of sediments.

How does rock fragments turn into rock?

Rock fragments are called sediments and by a process called lithification they turn into sedimentary rocks. Lithification is made up by compaction and cementation which is by pressure and a natural glue that is formed from groundwater the sediments stick together and then harden into rock.

Process of gluing sediments?

It's called cementation, part of the lithification process which turns sediments into rock.

What kind of rocks are formed when bits and pieces of other rocks are compacted?

Compaction and cementation of sediments are the processes of lithification which form clastic sedimentary rock.