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Each god had a diffrent role and something they ruled over.

For instance while Zues was the Ruler of all Gods he also looked oer all travlers. So if you saw a travler who needed help to please Zues you helped them and respectd them.

His wifer Hera was goddess of marriage. You had to keep your marriage running smothly to please her and keep her pasiated. She took extra care in consern in the wife's happiness.

Each god from Dionysus (god of wine) to Poseidon (god of the sae) had a role in the every day life. you had to do something to please them each.

So they had everything from how how you cooked to how you worked, under their influance.

Hope that helps.

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They served as explanations for natural phenomena that they could not explain with science because they did not have science.

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Q: What role did gods and goddesses play in the ancient Greeks lives?
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