

What shape are valleys carved out by a stream?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What shape are valleys carved out by a stream?
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Difference in shape of a typical stream carved valley compared to a typical glacial carved valley?

River/stream cut valleys are 'V' shaped while Glacial valleys are 'U' shaped.

In high mountains a valley carved by a stream has the shape of a?

a "V"

In high mountains a valley carved by a stream has the shape of what?

a "V"

What are valleys carved by?

Valleys are typically carved by a combination of erosion processes such as rivers, glaciers, or tectonic activity. Rivers erode valleys through the flow of water, gradually wearing away the land over time. Glaciers can carve U-shaped valleys by plowing through the landscape, while tectonic activity, like faulting or folding, can create valleys through the movement of the Earth's crust.

How does a stream widen its valley?

Valleys deepening and widening are caused by several factors. V-shaped valleys are caused by forces such as erosion and rivers. Valleys are not at all formed by rivers. Valleys that are not V-shaped were formerly occupied by glaciers and are characteristically U-shaped, formed by the huge bodies of ice that moved along; they carved the valleys as they passed, carrying away giant boulders and huge amounts of debris.

How are river valleys are formed?

River valleys are formed by stream erosion.

How are valleys made?

valleys are made when a stream erodes at the sides and bottom.

How can you tell if a valley was carved by a glacier or a river?

Valleys carved by glaciers are U-shaped, while those carved by rivers are V-shaped.

What is called the granddaddy of all the valleys carved by a river?


What have a what shape while what have a what shape?

River valleys, U, Glacier Valleys, V.

What are the stream valleys associated with plateaus?

Stream valleys are a great place to settle since it provides you with fresh water and fertile soil for planting crops.

What are river valleys formed primarily by?

stream erosion