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It sounds like you need to slow down and start seeing the signs of cheating that always were there. You were either too busy to catch these signs or you were in denial. No, he didn't leave the other women to save your marriage ... he either grew tired of her or she grew tired of him. He's a cheater, always will be and you need to face it. Kick this guy to the curb. The next time he comes home have his bags packed and kick his cheating butt out that door. If he refuses to go, then see your lawyer and file for divorce. Half of everything he owns (including his pension, etc.) belongs to you. We can all make mistakes and cheating can be one of them and some people do it once and learn from it and go back to their mates. Your husband is not one of these people and he's always going to be a cheater. What he is saying to you is, "I don't care about your feelings or that we have had 23 years of marriage. I'm a spoiled child and I want what I want and I don't give a damn what you want!" Men do go through what they use to nicely refrain to as "Midlife Crisis" but have since found out it's just plain old Male Menopause. Some men will grow a little weary, less energetic, a little depression, mood swings, while other men are fearful of growing older (like some women) and they will have flings with younger women to prove to themselves that they are still attractive. They need to prove their manhood. They are idiots, because 98% of these women will dump these guys and it isn't his looks they are after. It's gifts, money and anything else they can get out of him. The other 2% may honestly love each other. Get your pride back, stand straight and tall and kick his keister right out that door. You deserve better! I kicked my ex husband out the door and if I hadn't done that I wouldn't have met and married a wonderful guy and we've been married 33 years. Good luck hon Marcy

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Q: What should you do if you found out your husband of 23 years has been having an 8-year affair but he ended it to save your marriage and then a month later slept with another woman?
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