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If you are in love with person "B" why are you still in a relationship with person "A"?

Your "long-lasting" relationship is based on lies if you are in love with someone else so why keep lying to them and yourself?

You have choices and are ultimately responsible for your own happiness so you decide what is best for you, regardless of what other people think. Understand, your decisions may negatively affect and will probably impact others, so be prepared to stand behind your deciscions, whatever they may be.

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Q: What should you do if you have a long-lasting relationship and you are in love with someone else?
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Get out or stop.

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I think that you should take some time away from your boyfriend. It's not going to work out if u have feelings for someone else. Be honest! A man likes a woman to be honest. If u have feelings for someone else,u must not be happy in your relationship.

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'Ex' means the relationship is over and you should be moving forward into your future so no, don't give your ex your new address. If you feel you need too then you are not over the relationship and you should not be seeing someone else until you know that the first relationship is over.

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There is no relationship that should have "upper hand" - no one should control, possess, obsess, over power, belittle, abuse in anyway someone else - this is not a form of a healthy relationship.

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