

What should you keep in your lip while it heals?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Depending on the Size of your lips I would get a Long Tongue Bar 18-16g Because your lips swell up

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Q: What should you keep in your lip while it heals?
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Are you allowed to kiss before your lip ring heals?

No, you should avoid smoking, drinking (alcohol), or kissing before your lip heals.

Should you wear lip gloss if your lips are big?

no u should use tomato juice it heals them and makes them smaller

You are thinking about taking out your lip ring for good is there any special cream or solution you should use to help it heal with minimal scaring?

by dancing Keep a good antibiotic cream on it as it heals. After that keep a moisturizer or sunblock on it when you go outside.

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No they don't numb the needle. It doesn't even hurt it just burns a bit. Remember no smoking or drinking till it heals.

Is a softish lump near a lip piercing hazardous?

No. I had one too when my lip piercing was still healing. It's scar tissue and will go away as the piercing heals.

When getting your lip pierced do you have to provide your own ring?

Ok, i got my lip peirced about a month ago. They provide you with a lip ring. They usually ask if you want a hoop or a stud. I have a hoop because it heals faster. So no you do not have to supply a lip ring. But when you want it changed to a different lip ring you do. Hope that helped!

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Depends how deep, facial tisue heals the quickest

Where should you get your lip pierced?

On your lip...

Can you choose the ring you get for your lip?

not until after it heals with the recommended jewelry. Then you can put more decorative pieces in it... but be careful of guage and protect your teeth.

Is it normal for dry lip piercing?

Yes it is, it's a sign that the piercing is healing. yeah, its like a scab before a cut heals.

How long do you have to wait after a lip piercing before you can go swimming in the lake?

You should wait atleast a month before going swimming. As a lake is full of bacteria. Unlike what the original person said ("a lip piercing heals in 10 days, not 2-3 months. hope i helped "), a lip piercing actually takes THREE-FOUR months to fully heal. Kbyeee, best of luck. And I hope you love your lip piercing as much as I do! ^_^

What happens if they pierce your lip but they pierced your vain too?

Well you can leave it and see if it heals, but if it's bleeding a lot then it's a trip to the hospital.