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idk.. but i need it for Ms.clark class xD =P

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Q: What shows an individual's family tree?
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A graphic representation of an individuals family tree is an?

A graphic representation of an individuals family tree is also called a pedigree chart.

What visual aid is like a family tree and shows the phylogenetic of organisms?

The family tree like visual aid for organisms is called a cladogram. It shows the phylogenetic relationships and represents the evolutionary tree of life.

What visual aid is like a family tree and shows the phylogenetic relationships of organisms?

The family tree like visual aid for organisms is called a cladogram. It shows the phylogenetic relationships and represents the evolutionary tree of life.

What is a chart that shows the relationship within a family?

A chart that shows the relationship within a family is called a pedigree or in other words a chart of your family tree

What is an evolutionary tree how is this different than a family tree?

While similar, both serve somewhat different purposes.Afamilytree, which I'm sure most are familiar with, shows links between family members in terms of marriage and offspring.Evolution trees work in a similar manner, however rather than depicting the relationships between individuals of a family, it shows how species have branched off and evolved from a common ancestor over time.

Explain family pedigree?

Family pedigree is also known as family tree it is a family chart that shows the family history from generation to generation

What are the pit bull terrier pedigrees?

a pedigree is just like a family tree. it just shows the family that it comes from

What visual aid is a like a family tree shows the phylogenic relationship of organisms?


What visual aid is a like a family tree shows the phylogenic relationships of organisms?


What does a branch tree diagram show?

the total number of possible combinations or outcomes in your tree diagram

What visual aids is a like family tree and shoes the phylogenic relationships of organisms?

The family tree like visual aid for organisms is called a cladogram. It shows the phylogenetic relationships and represents the evolutionary tree of life.

Is it possible to trace your family tree back to Moses?

Tracing a family tree requires documentation of the birth, marriage and children of individuals. Such documentation does not exist in unbroken line back to Moses, not even for prominent families such as ruling dynasties and scholars. Therefore it is impossible to trace your family tree to Moses.