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its on the left side of your body, its underneath the liver.The biliary vesicle is an organ with pear form located underneath the liver. It stores bile, a liquid produced by the liver to digest fats. When the stomach and the intestine digest foods, the biliary vesicle releases to bile through a denominated tube common biliary conduit. That conduit connects to the biliary vesicle and the liver with the thin intestine. It is more probable that the vesicle causes problems if something obstructs the bile flow through the biliary conduits. That usually happens with the biliary calculations. The calculations form when there are substances in the bile that becomes hardened. The crises by calculations usually appear after the meals. The signs of a crisis by calculations include you feel nauseous, vomits or pain in the abdomen, the back or underneath the right arm. The biliary calculations are more common between the North American adults majors, women, people with overweight, Indians and the Mexican Americans. The most common treatment is the removal of the biliary vesicle. Luckyly, the biliary vesicle is not an essential organ for the life. The bile has other routes to arrive at the thin intestine.

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Q: What side of the body is the biliary vesicle?
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