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1. Cell wall is made up of cellulose.

2. Cells contain chloroplasts. Hence, these are green in color.

3. These are autotrophic.

4. Cells are uninucleated.

5. The reserve food is stratch.


1. Cell wall is made up of chitin.

2. Cells do not contain chloroplasts. Hence, these are colorless.

3. These are heterotrophic.

4. Cells or hypha is uninucleated, binucleated or coenocytic.

5. The reserve food is glycogen.

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Both are cellular and eukaryotic .

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Q: Similarities between fungi and algae
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What are the differences between algae and fungi?

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no fungi grows on you and alge grows in the water Actually, I disagree with the above answer, so I'm improving. They do have similarities. Both fungi and algae prefer to live in moist environments. Both can range in size from a single-celled organism to much larger, multi-celled organisms. Both have haploid nuclei (only one chromosome instead of two).

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