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Smoking increases the amount of Carbon Monoxide in your body and you have a small amount of Oxygen in your body, so not enough of Oxygen goes to your brain and organs and you have less energy.

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Q: What smoking does to your red blood cells?
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How does smoking reduce oxygen carried in red blood cells?

Carbon monoxide a waste product found in cigarette smoke is more readily absorbed by the red blood cells than oxygen. This reduces the ability of the red blood cells in transporting oxygen around the body.

How smoking effect hemoglobin ratio?

It decreases the amount of Red blood cells that can transport O2 because smoking decrease the hemoglobin activity.

Does smoking tobacco kill your blood cells?

In many case's smoking can be a cause of blood cells dieing it has also been tested and proven by students from cambridge university that due to a low white blood cell count caused by smoking can result in frequent vomiting due to lack of oxygen which can be caused by sporting activities.

Does a person who is smoking carry as much oxygen in their blood as a non smoker?

no, the red blood cells carry less oxygen when the person smokes

What are the the cells that carry oxygen?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin. These cells are also known as erythrocytes.

What blood cells contain haemoglobin?

Red blood cells because that is what carries oxygen throughout the body

What cell transports oxygen?

red blood cells

What is the major difference between red blood cells and white blood cells?

Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, but white blood cells do not

Does every part of the body have red blood cells?

As the name says, red blood cells are found in the blood. If there is blood there, there is red blood cells.

How red blood cells get replaced?

The old red blood cells get replaced by the newly formed red blood cells.

What cells are in the bloodstream?

Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and liquid plasma.Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and liquid plasma.

How does smoking affect your red blood cells?

because your lungs cant carry as much oxygen as a person who doesn't smoke