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Q: What solid liquid or gas that mechanical waves need to travel through?
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Does mechanical waves travel faster through vacuum than through air?

Mechanical waves are waves that need medium to propagate so they don`t travel through vacuum but through solid , liquid or gas.

Will a seismic wave traveling through solid go faster or slower than a seismic wave traveling through liquid?

Mechanical waves (like seismic waves) will travel faster through a solid than a liquid.

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Does sound travel more quickly through a liquid or a solid?

A liquid

What is a wave that requires a medium wave?

Waves that require a medium through which to travel are called mechanical waves. They require a medium (gas, solid, and liquid).

Would a seismic wave travel faster through a solid or a liquid?


What does sound need to travel through?

Sound (and vibration) are a wave system of sequential compressions and rarefactions of a material. These waves are mechanical and do need a substance through which to travel. They cannot travel through a vacuum.

Where do sound waves travel through?

Sound waves travel through matter, whether solid, liquid, or gas. They do not travel through vacuum.

What is the material called that waves travel through?

Any material through which any wave travels is called a medium. Ocean waves travel through the medium of seawater. Sound cannot travel through outer space, because there is no medium there to support sound waves. Mechanical waves such as sound and vibration require a medium through which to travel. Usually air, or a solid or liquid - matter in other words.

Do sound waves travel faster threw liquid or solid?

They travel faster through solids