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English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta gave them inspiration. Ideas from the enlightenment also influenced them. English philosopher john Locke had thoughts the government had a duty to guard people's rights.

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Q: What source gave American ideas for their first national government under the Article of Confederation?
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To whom did the articles of Confederation grant?

The Article of Confederation gave more power to the state government than the national government because the national government had few power.

What did the Article of confederation contain?

State and National Government. Did not have an executive or judiciary branch in national.

What powers did the article of confederation give the national government?

they sucked the power

What was a crucial weakness of the American government under the article of confederation?

The American government lacked any real power over the states under The Articles of Confederation. It could not raise enough taxes to pay its debts.

What kind of government did the article of confederation set up?

It set up a weak democracy. Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government was weak and had little power. There was a legislature, but no executive or judicial branch.

what was a weakness of the article of confederation?

There was no central government.

What was the weaknesses in the article of confederation?

There was no central government.

What was the weakness of the national government under the article of confederation?

The federal government under the Articles of Confederation did not have much direct power over the states. It could not directly tax any commerce, or regulate trade, and did not have a provision for a national army. There was also no chief executive.

What accomplishments of the national government under the article of confederation?

they accomplished that a new law that everyone can make there own cake without permission.

What did the article of confederation not allow the American government to do?

any authority to enforce these provisions. im sorry can you be more specific? plz

How many branches of government are in the Article of Confederation?


What principle was used in the article of confederation?

limited government