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== == While the temperature and pressure on the surface are far just too great for colonization, there is an area 50km above the surface where the temperature and pressure are Earth-like, the winds circle the planet in 100-hour "days", and the gravity is just less than earth-like. Because the gases there are heavier than Earth's atmosphere, there is the possibility of "floating cities" kept in place and following the prevailing winds much like present day hot air balloons.

Your bubble wouldn't need to be incredibly strong, but it would need to be resistant to sulfuric acid. And you would need oxygen and food starting with materials shipped form Earth. In return, you could use abundant solar energy and sulfuric acid as resources for your own industries.

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Q: What special consideratoins are needed for humans to live on Venus?
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Have humans traveled to Venus?

No they would die.

Is planet Venus's a special planet?

All planets are special. But some rare features are its deadly clouds that contain sulfuric acid. It also has the greenhouse effect. People on Earth once thought that Venus was Earth's "twin" before they found out that it was deadly. Also, Venus contains no water at all, making it impossible for humans to live on. It has no water because any drop of liquid that fell from the clouds immediately evaporated because Venus is very hot.

What is the best thing to do when near a Venus Flytrap?

Nothing. Venus Flytraps cannot harm humans.

Is there anything special about the weather on Venus?

It. Is. HOT.

Are you sure humans can live on Venus'?

This is absolutely incorrect. Venus's carbon atmosphere is so thick and dense that temperatures on venus reach 464 degrees celcius, and many, many volcanic eruptions are occurring every second on venus. Since there is so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it would be impossible for humans to breathe. Those are just some obvious reasons why venus is inhabitable to humans.

What are the special characteristics of a Venus Flytrap?

It is a plant that is carnivorous. The name came from the Roman Goddess Venus who was the Goddess of love. The Venus Flytrap was thought to be beautiful like Venus.

Why can people not visit venus?

Venus is far too hot and surface pressure is too high for humans to survive.