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Food is definitely one structure which diffuses from the mother's blood to the embryo.

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Q: What structure diffuses nutrients from the mother's blood into the embryo's blood?
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Yolks are required for embryos in eggs because it's their only source of sustenance for it's development until it hatches. Humans embryos are connected to their mother by an umbilical cord, which the fetuses use to get nutrients directly into their blood streams from the mothers blood.

Does the embryo develops?

The embryo develops not in the wombYour species may vary. Mammalian embryos develop within the uterus of their mothers. Bird and reptile embryos develop inside eggs. Some oviparous embryos develop inside eggs inside their mothers. In some fish and seahorses, the eggs laid by the female, but carried by the males in a pouch and the embryos develop within him.

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How do fetuses get nutrients from their mothers?

They get nutrients through their umbilical cords.

What are embryo splitting?

The technique of embryo splitting involves removing an embryo. Individual cells from this embryo are removed and then placed into petri dishes that contain the correct nutrients and hormones for growth. Each of the removed cells now divides to form a new embryo. These embryos are then implanted into the uterus of surrogate mothers. These surrogate mothers will then give birth to identical young.

Statistics about cloning?

4 out of 12 birth mothers died and it took 276 embryos to make Dolly, the first cloned sheep.

Why do food cravings occur in expecting mothers?

Most of expecting mothers craving for food maybe she needs more nutrients for her baby.

Which trimester does the placenta being to absorb nutrients and oxygen from the mothers body?


Do fetuses need a mechanism for respiratory exchange?

yes they do.and this need is served by the PLACENTA-a vascular connection between the mother and the foetus,where oxygen diffuses from the mothers blood to that of foetus and CO2 DIFFUSES FRM FETUSE'S BLOOD 2 MOTHERS.BUT,THEIR BLOOD R NOT IN DIRECT CONTACT.

When a pregnant woman ingests toxins such as alcohol and nicotine the embryo is put at risk because these toxic can?

Diffuse from the mothers blood Into the embryos blood Within the placenta

What process moves nutrients from the mother to developing foetus?

In mammals this is done by the placenta, through which the foetal blood flows and exchanges nutrients/gasses with the mothers blood supply.