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chlorophylle chlorophyll [ theres no 'e' ]

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Q: Which substance in green plant trap sunlight?
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Why are a plant cell chloroplasts green?

Because they trap sunlight.

What does chloroplast do in a cell?

It contains chlorophyll to trap sunlight for photosynthesis (in the presence of sunlight).

Do the leaves trap sunlight for the plant?


What is an organelles in plant and algae cells where photosynthesis occurs?

Chloroplasts, Chloroplasts contain a green pigment called Chlorophyll which trap sunlight.

What green pigment helps to trap sunlight?


What is the substance in leaves that gives them their green colour?

The green color is caused by chlorophyll present in the chloroplasts of the leaf cells. Chloroplasts are found in plant cells; they have a green pigment which makes leaves green. In autumn, the leaves turn red and brown because the cells are dried out and dead. Chloroplasts trap solar energy (photosynthesis).

Contain green pigments that trap sunlight for photosynthesis?


Captures energy from sunlight?

it's plant. they use chlorophyll and trap sunlight energy

What does the chloroplast do in a plant cell do?

In a cell there are green coloured objects-the chloroplasts. They trap sunlight and consist of a green pigment called chlorophyll. Both of these help in photosynthesis, the process where a plant makes its food-glucose.

What does chlorophyl do?

It traps sunlight energy for the plant and then helps begin the process of photosynthesis. It absorbs the red and blue color from the light and reflects the green so that's why we see green leaves when chlorophyll is present. The chorophyll also helps the light dependent reactions in the thylakoids produce ATP and NADPH. These are later used in the Calvin Cycle to produce glucose.Chlorophyll is the liquid substance in a plant cell that gives it its color.Plants make food when sunlight strikes chlorophyll.Chlorophyll is a green pigment that is found in the chloroplast of the leaf. It help to traps light energy for photosynthesis...Chlorophyll helps plants to make energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water.

What checimal inside the leaves of a plant trap the sunlight?

It's called chlorophyll.

What is the name of the chemiical in leaves of green plants that is used to trap sunlight during photosy?

The chemical in the leaves of green plants that is used to trap sunlight during photosynthesis is called chlorophyll.