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Black holes,were theorized since the 1800's,it was predicted by Einstein's theory that they were really real.Since then this forced astronomers to think such a thing is real,and yet they are,but there very rare to find,so we don't really know what telescope discovered a black hole.So we thing the Hubble telescope did because well,its the hubble telescope.

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Much of theearly evidence of black holes came from x-rays, so I would suspect that would be an x-ray telescope. Note that the supermassive black hole in the center of our Milky Way also emits lots of radio waves.
More recently, colissions between black holes have been observed by special detectors of gravitational waves.

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He did not. He made some theoretical discoveries about how black holes would probably behave; but the concept of black holes was discovered by others before him.

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1916, Albert Einstein came up with the theory about Black Hole.

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Black holes can't be seen but you can see how something affects the area around the black holes, so that's really how they found a black hole. Karl Schwarzchild is the man most often attributed with having discovered the black hole with a telescope. how is that possible if you can't see a Black hole, how can you see it with a telescope?

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The Hubble Space Telescope did not fly through any black holes, as there are none in our solar system. If it did fly into a black hole it would have been crushed by gravitational pressure

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Your use of "the" black hole seems to indicate that you are thinking about one specific black hole. Please clarify which one - there are several known black holes, discovered at different times.

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What age was Galileo when he discovered the telescope?

Galileo wasn't the first to make a telescope but he discovered the telescope at the age of 46.