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Does the Temperature of a magnet affect its strength

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14y ago
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14y ago

The term for that temperature is the Curie point (named after Pierre Curie, husband of Marie Curie). It's different for different materials.

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273 kelvin

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Q: What temperature demagnetizes a magnet?
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Does temperature affect the strength of a magnet is it chemical science?

NO!!! the strength of magnet is not affected by temperature

Does the temorature of the magnet affect the strength of the magnet?

No the temperature doesn't the size does.

How does the magnet works on cold and hot temperature and what important idea.?

the magnet that works better is the cold magnet

Does the temperature of a magnet effect its magnetic field?

Not until the magnet reaches its "Curie point" or temperature. Then magnetic activity ceases.

Does temperature affect the strengh of a magnet?

Yes, it does due to the magnetic force coming from the magnet. After a period of time the magnet that is in lower temperature increases while higher temperatures decrease.

How do you change the temperature of a magnet?

an oven

How does the cold affect magnets?

Heat and cold both make magnets stronger, but cold temperatures make magnets stronger than heat does. Actually, oly cold temperature make magnets stronger, you can actually try, hold one little magnet on your hand for like 30 seconds or something and you can realize that your magnet is really less stronger Unfortunately this guy is wrong ^^^^^^ Cold makes a magnet stronger and heat can actually take its magnetic domains away. When a magnet is supercooled it becomes stronger because the atoms are moving slower and are thicker which make a stronger positive or negative side of a magnet. Heat can ruin a magnet. There is a very hot temperature for every magnet called a Curie Temperature, which is when a magnet is no longer magnetized. For instance, and iron magnets Curie Temperature is about 1,000°C! This happens because the random motion of atoms increases in speed which disturbs the magnets magnetic domains. (well... he's somewhat right) =) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You both are right.

What temperature does it have to be for a magnet to lose its magnetism?


Does temperature have an effect on magnet strength?

higher the temperature, lower is the magnetic strength..

How does the temperature affect the magnet?

As the temperature increases the strength decreases, and vice versa

Can the temperature of a magnet effect it's strength?

Yes, the temperature of a magnet does effect its strength. Both freezing, and hot temperatures take away from a magnets magnetic force. Room temperature ( about 50-80) is the temperature that magnets are the Best