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Q: What thing would keep the President Elect from being sworn in?
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What happens if a president elect fails to qualify?

Apparently not a damned thing. See current resident for proof.

How does the president elect the president officially?

I'm not sure if this will answer your question: A political candidate who has been elected president is called the president elect or incoming president. He can officially take office after being sworn in. This is called the inauguration which is Janurary 20th. Until then it is still occupied by the current outgoing president.

What was the first thing the delegates did at the Constitutional Convention?

The Convention chose George Washington to preside over the meetings.

Why are there sixty-five inaugurations and only forty-four presidents?

Because, even though the President might be elected for a second term, each time he must be sworn in again. So there are 65 inaugurations as each one "inaugurates" a new term. It might be the same President, but the term is the thing being celebrated.

Is it good to elect someone President for lifeOr it is better to hold regular elections after few years?

It is not good to elect someone a president for life because he may not be fruitful and honest to the country through out his life, And the ideas of doing some thing good to the country will be restricted.

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Why is it significant that the president is paid?

Likely the most significant thing about the American president being paid is that she or he is an employee. Being an employee, the president operates at the pleasure of the people of the United States.

What abuse of powers are being exercisd by President Obama?

President Obama is doing the right thing and i thing he will never abuse any power unless of emergencies like for instants our needs and benefits.

What correction should be made to this sentence - Both his wife Mrs Johnson and Mrs Jackie Kennedy were present when he was sworn in?

Both his wife Mrs Johnson and Mrs Jackie Kennedy were present when he was sworn in... The first thing is, who is his and he? The sentence is supposed to refer to 2 different men, but leaves the reader confused because pronouns are used rather than proper nouns. A pronoun should directly follow the proper noun which the pronoun represents.Second, the sentences confuses as to when-- before Kennedy's death, or after?Third, you shouldn't end a sentence with 'in'.Examples:(with Kennedy being sworn in)Running mate, Lyndon B. Johnson, his wife, and Mrs. Jackie Kennedy were present when John F. Kennedy was sworn into office.(with Johnson being sworn in, after Kennedy's death)Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson, his wife, and Mrs. Jackie Kennedy were present when Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office as the President, after John F. Kennedy was assassinated.NOTE: Re-using proper names in a complex sentence avoids confusion of pronouns. Also, after saying "his wife", you don't need to say "Mrs. Johnson" because it is redundant, e.g. repeating yourself.

How many inaugurations have taken place due to a presidents death?

We don't have inaugurations due to a presidents death, the vice president is merely sworn in, but it isn't a huge ceremonial type thing. So I guess I would say 0.

What happens at an inauguration?

During the presidential Inauguration the old president of the United States moves out of the white hose and the new one moves in. During the Inauguration the president and the vice president elects are sworn into office or formally inducted. The president needs to say the oath of office.

What is the first thing Obama did-as president- in December 2008?

Actually, he wasn't yet president. George W. Bush was still president, and would be until Mr. Obama's inauguration in January 2009. In December, President-Elect Obama was giving talks on radio and TV, and being interviewed by major journalists about what his plans were for the economy, and what he hoped to do once he took office. He was also putting his team into place and preparing to take over the running of the country. He was also named Time Magazine's Person of the Year in December, because of his historic election.